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  • megabeth


Megabeth started around the same time and was with the first save the supers episode, fairly improvised with the only real consistancy being the short cape, neckbrace, lobster and voice over.

That was the charm though, a superhero, but not really, but kinda! but also more of an extension of beth with a cape and lobster and a superhero being Hoyt (hurt).


Megabeth powers started as:

Make u look at the screen and go :s

Make the ukelele sound depressing

Judge us


Megabeth's activities involved megabeth being tanked.

There was implication that megabeth had an improved athletic ability and strength, which was why she wasn’t allowed in the competitions, but megabeth always had a neckbrace which says otherwise about her strengths.


Megabeth picked up more powers as she appeared in segments. Megabeth didn’t need to be anything more though when she first appeared.

Before comic con, Beth made time to sit down and have a think of how she could develop it more and have more fun with this character, and worked on and overhauled the outfit (a big deal seeing as though Beth joked about being underdressed in her fancy area gym and jokes that molly did her weekly wardrobe, and trish even made a related wardrobe joke when they did a thing via skype) and it doesnt look like it came from her usual dollar prop place. 


She also had asked for super power suggestions. The new Megabeth outfit is not a 2 second outfit change and looked like Beth was having fun.


The new outfit had; 

Those things on her wrists with the bits, a longer cape (doubles as a fire blanket maybe?), no signs of injury, and a lightning bolt on her face. 


A giant B on her chest! (shoo it away megabeth!)


A tight body outfit.

In the MEGABETH! comic con video, we see her find her new powers.


MegaBeth! at New York Comic Con 2012

beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
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