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Nancy and Carol


Nancy and Carol are two Wisconsin mothers, possibly related and sisters or bffs, possibly married to Rick and Don and have children at unknown ages but some sound old enough to be able to have children and some young.

Nancy and Carol  are ageless  and have looked like that since they were 25, Beth commented on the 28th of feb on her ""what do these emoji's mean!?"" vid in discussion comments about it.



They share stories about what’s happening in their daily happenings, rather personal happenings with people they know and their embarrassing details we shouldn’t know about, enjoy crazy bargains at sales, gossip, not have a clue about technology and are packers of humorous Wisconsin stereotypes.


Nancy and Carol first appeared in a thanksgiving themed video and returned a short time later to talk about planning a dinner party.It’s really a chance for Beth to showcase her accent skills with her comedic writing skills and share her hometown to the world who don’t know it.


(in an old Beth reel there are 2 wiscon accented

characters which may have been an early version.)


Holiday Shopping with Nancy and Carol!

Carol & Nancy Plan a Dinner Party

4th of July Dips! (Firework Safety)

beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
beth hoyt, bethinshow, gif
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